Grace Harbor
Grace Harbor Baptist Church began as Independent Baptist Church in 1965. Without a facility, they humbly met in "The Fix-it Shop" from September 1965 to February 1966. As the founding members continued to pray and allow God to lead them, they moved into a house that sat on the property where Grace Harbor currently stands. They held services here from February 1966 to April 1971. As God continued to bless, the church was able to complete it's original sanctuary in 1971.
The first service in the new sanctuary was held on Easter Sunday, 1971. Independent Baptist Church continued to grow as God continued to work. A two-story educational facility and fellowship hall was completed in 1986. In 2003, a gymnasium was added which was used for outreach to our community as well as a place for our youth and children to play.
In late 2014, the leadership of Independent Baptist church began to feel led by the Holy Spirit to reconsider how they could most effectively impact the community around them. In December of 2014, they unanimously decided to update and renovate all areas of the ministry. The facilities, technologies and methodologies received a complete overhaul and the church relaunched as Grace Harbor Baptist Church in updated facilities on Easter Sunday, 2015.
We currently seek to engage people, locally and globally, with the love of God, prayerfully through the power of God, for the glory of God. This mission is lived out in every aspect of our ministry. We are Jesus people who are prayerfully moving forward into the future expecting our great God to do great things.